Initiated in 2015 by Vias institute, the ESRA initiative was born. The project was carried out between 2015 and 2017 in 3 waves and covered 38 countries across 5 continents. 25 different partners took part in this first edition and together collected data from almost 40,000 road users.
Vias institute (former BRSI) in Brussels (Belgium) coordinated the ESRA1 survey in close collaboration with the six partners of the steering committee:
- BFU - Beratungsstelle für Unfallverhütung, Switzerland
- CTL - Centro di Ricerca per il Trasporto e la Logistica, ‘Sapienza’ Università di Roma, Italy
- ITS - Instytutu Transportu Samochodowego, Poland
- KFV - Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit, Austria
- NTUA - National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- PRP - Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa, Portugal
The complete list of the 26 partners is: